Unveiling the Graceful Artistry of Bharatanatyam: A Journey Through Dance

The Journey Begins:

Today (Jul 21, 2023) we stand in awe as we witness the mesmerizing artistry of Bharatanatyam, presented by our daughter Dhaathri. This momentous occasion fills our hearts with pride and joy, as her parents, as we share this incredible journey with all of you here at Cubberley Theater in Palo Alto, CA.

From a young age, Dhaathri has been immersed in the world of Bharatanatyam. Inspired and trained by her esteemed Gurus, Smt. Suganda Sreenath and Smt. Shreya Iyer Parker and the rich legacy of this art form, Dhaathri has dedicated herself to learning the intricate movements, expressions, and emotions that make Bharatanatyam truly unique.

A Seamless Connection:

Just like a beautifully choreographed dance sequence, Dhaathri’s journey through Bharatanatyam is characterized by a seamless connection between different elements. It is a reflection of the essence of the Abhinaya Darpana, an ancient Indian text on performing arts, which states:

‘Yato hastas tato dṛiṣṭir, Yato dṛiṣṭis tato manaḥ, Yato manas tato bhāvo, Yato bhāvas tato rasaḥ.’

– Abhinaya Darpana (Sri Nandikeshwara, c. 4th Century BCE)

This profound verse encapsulates the essence of Bharatanatyam. From the intricate hand gestures (hastas) that lead the eyes (dṛiṣṭi) to the captivating expressions that ignite emotions (bhāva), Dhaathri takes us on a transformative journey that culminates in a profound aesthetic experience (rasa).

A Dedication to the Art:

Dhaathri’s journey in Bharatanatyam is a testament to her dedication and commitment to the art. Countless hours of practice, unwavering focus, and a deep love for this ancient dance form have shaped her into the remarkable performer she is today.

Bharatanatyam is not merely a dance form; it is a medium to evoke emotions and tell stories. Through her captivating expressions, Dhaathri has the remarkable ability to ignite a range of emotions within the audience. From joy and love to sorrow and anger, her expressions bring the stories to life, leaving a lasting impact on all who witnessed her performance today.

Through her dedication, Dhaathri embodies the spirit of Bharatanatyam, which goes beyond mere movements. It is an art form that requires immense discipline, emotional intelligence, and a profound connection with the audience.

Today (July 21) saw the culmination of her decade-long learning under her Gurus. All of you were so kind and generous to her with your gifts, blessings and applause.

In an effort to capture your words of appreciation that Dhaathri can cherish forever, may we, the parents, kindly request you to leave your impressions, thoughts, critique – anything – in the comment box below. Dhanyavadah Namaste cha!

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